Thursday, July 5, 2012

An Ode to Foofy

A quick little post before we head off on our vacation:

A few weeks ago we noticed something odd about a couple of our chickens. It might be a little hard to see in this video but pay particular attention to the two foofy chickens and the big black chickens. You might notice some differences between them that might lead you to believe that they are not all hens.
What really gave it away with the foofy one was the crowing that one of them started doing. Incessantly. Starting at 5 AM and continuing every 2 minutes all day. The other black rooster hasn't started crowing yet but it's definitely male. The gray and white striped one might be a rooster too - its comb and wattle is getting big and the tail is starting to look big and flared. That would be really upsetting if that one is male because that breed was supposed to be our big egg layer. The bad thing about this is we aren't zoned for roosters so it means they have to go. The foofy rooster "disappeared" last week. :( Mark felt really bad about that because it was too small to do anything with (ie become people food) and it just felt wrong. But we didn't have a choice. We'll see what we end up having to do with the other one(s). They can't guarantee that we get all hens when you buy the chicks so it was a risk you have to take - but still sad that we might have to go down to 5 chickens because of the gender mix-up.

Some quick pictures of Mira in her University of Utah Utes cheerleader outfit and I'm off to finish packing for our big trip!
Oh, and some pictures of our silly cat Neo thinking that his fat self is a tightrope walker.

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