Saturday, August 13, 2011

Getting So Big!

Okay so remember the last post where I said she still hasn't gotten the hang of rolling over yet? Guess what she figured out a few days ago! I was visiting my mom and Mira was lying on her back on a blanket on the floor, I turned away for a second and when I turned back she was on her tummy! And then she turned from her tummy onto her back! Now that she's figured it out that's all she tries to do as soon as you lay her down. She's also trying to scoot when she's on her tummy now. Usually she just pushes herself backwards and gets frustrated but there have been a couple of times she's been able to inch herself forward and a couple of times she's almost pushed up on her hands and knees. It's exciting to see her learn so fast but ... I was really hoping she wouldn't learn to be mobile for awhile. I really don't want to baby-proof the house!
She is starting to figure out how to move around in her walker too. She basically just will lean one direction and the walker will incidentally move a little bit in that direction as well so she isn't traveling very far in it but she will definitely figure that out before too long as well.

Here are some pictures of her in her new crib. I keep looking at her and thinking, "Wow, what a fat baby she is," until I see a baby that truly is fat, so I guess Mira really isn't "fat" as far as babies go. It's just a matter of perspective I guess, since she was so teeny when she was born and was in newborn size clothes for 9 weeks. And is almost 6 months old and still wearing 3 month clothes.
Love the fat rolls!

She loves teddy bears!
Check out this video - this was a few weeks ago when my family was babysitting her for a few hours. We've discovered that this is a great game to play with her. It's SO funny!!
Other games that make her laugh like crazy include bouncing her on your lap while humming the theme song to Pirates of the Caribbean (and yes it has to be that particular song), helping her do the Chicken Dance, and Patty Cake. Ah, for life to be so simple again... I'm glad she's such a happy baby though. I've seriously gotten spoiled. Every time I take her out with friends I keep getting told that she's such a happy, content, quiet baby. Or someone will comment that she's really smiley today but that's how she always is. Someone even said to me that they've never met a baby who smiles so much! And when we take her out to dinner at a restaurant the servers will tell us that she's being so good and quiet. See, this is why we shouldn't have any more kids, we used up all our well-behaved genes on the first one so the second one would be a monster. :)

Here's a video of us riding the Merry-Go-Round at the zoo. Yes, I realize she won't remember going to the zoo but it gets us out of the house, and when she sees pictures and videos when she's older she'll have proof that I'm a good mom who makes an effort! And who knows, maybe somewhere in her subconscious she's computing these new memories and experiences...

As far as sleep goes... we're still working on it. One night last week she was up Every. Two. Hours. Ugh! It was like she was a newborn again. Since then she typically wakes up once, maybe twice. I just don't know what's going on but I hope it ends soon. Theories that have been tossed out include a growth spurt or teething. I'm leaning a bit towards growth spurt because usually when she wakes up she's hungry and as soon as she's nursed she goes back to sleep. But that means this "growth spurt" has been going on for weeks now. Whatever it is, I hope it resolves so we can get back to sleeping through the night again. I kinda miss sleep, especially sleep that goes for longer than 4 hours at a stretch. (Although I could just sleep when I'm dead too.)

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