Sunday, May 19, 2013

We Are Family

So much for getting the next post up within a few days. Whoops. Well, as I mentioned, we had some family in town to visit a few weeks ago to help celebrate my mom's birthday. The party included a potluck dinner, live music and folk dancing. Before Mira and working nights/weekends/holidays and nursing school, I lived and breathed dancing. Trying to work it into my life the last several years has been near impossible and I definitely miss it, so it was great to get some turns in. Plus, Mira had a ton of space to run around and lots of people willing to chase her and keep her occupied so I could have a bit of a break, finally. Here are some pictures from the party.
L to R: My Aunt Betty, family friend Bonnie, Mira and my sister Sara.
My Aunt Ellen on the far L. Mira fell through the opening in the back of the chair right after I took this picture.
My sister Penny striking a pose.
Mira "helping" the band set up.
Mark and I had a really hard time convincing Mira she couldn't play with the instruments...
...but she got excited when I told her she'd get to dance to music.
This has got to be one of the funniest pictures we've ever gotten of Mira.
Mark and Mira.
By the time the potluck supper was over and the music was about to get started, it was already Mira's bedtime and she was definitely getting really wound up and frustrated and was about 7 seconds away from a meltdown. I hated to cover her face with a pacifier but it was either that or leaving early so sorry everyone, she has a pacifier in her mouth for the rest of the pictures.
Swishing her skirt.
And of course I got some fun videos. For some reason I'm suddenly not able to post the YouTube videos directly to the blog so here are the links to the videos for now. Hopefully I can get this sorted out soon.

Folk Dance Party 1
Folk Dance Party 2
Folk Dance Party 3
Folk Dance Party 4

For those of you who were at the party, I tried to get a few pictures of Zivio dancing the Russian Quadrille but I only got a couple worth sharing. Job well done though!
A cute picture of my mom holding Mira, who insisted on being part of the speech.
Even though it can be rough to deal with such an active child, the bonus is that she sleeps very well. Once we left we were only driving for a couple of minutes before Mira was completely out like a lightbulb.
The next day Mira and I went to my mom's for brunch with the family. Mira also got to wear a pretty new dress from her Great Aunt Ellen. Growing up my Aunt Ellen would always bring gorgeous dresses for my sisters and me when she came to visit and so it's only appropriate that she continues the tradition with Mira.
Reading a story with Great Aunt Betty
Ellen, David and Sara
Penny and Ellen, and I think those hands belong to my mom
Sara is laughing because Mira tried to stuff her bib into her glass of water.
And here is what happens when Mira gets a big girl cup of water. They just figure it out without being taught.

Mira Blowing Bubbles

A wonderful family picture.

I wish it could have been a longer visit but I was so happy to get the chance to spend time with family! I wish it wasn't so long in between visits. That's what happens when everyone literally lives on opposite ends of the country.

This is Mira in the other dress from Aunt Ellen. She threw a massive fit when I tried to get her dressed in something else - she is determined to wear this dress all the time. Yep, she's two.


  1. She is soooo cute! I love that she insisted on being part of everything - especially making your mom hold her :)

    1. They always figure out who they can milk :)
