Friday, August 3, 2012


So just some quick news for everybody. I ended up having to buy the extra online storage space for the blog. There really wasn't any way around it short of creating an alter ego alternate identity to get a new Google account and I still would have had to start a new blog. So - I caved. I mean, $30/year really is not that much money. I've been told that to figure out if a purchase is worthwhile, figure out how many extra hours you would have to work at your job to make up for it. Put that way, that's not a lot of extra time at work to keep up the blog. Now that I can finally upload more files, I've gone back and added pictures to all the posts from the trip. The new pictures have been marked with an * in the caption so you can see which ones to pay attention to. (In case you don't want to bother navigating through the list on the right of the page, here are the links for Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.) Part 3 in particular had a TON of pictures added - so enjoy!

Nextly (apparently that's not a real word because it got underlined in red - well, I'm leaving it because I like the sound of it), I will be doing another post with updates on Mira - I've got some really cute pictures and videos (no surprise there) but that's going to have to wait until I'm not cross-eyed from editing 4 different posts.

And lastly - yes my Civil War dress has come in but I have not managed to be at home at the same time as Mark for a long enough period of time to get pictures taken. I'm hoping that will happen soon too - believe me, it is amazing. It got rave reviews from the few people who have seen it. I'm still giddy just thinking about it! Mark has gotten so excited he's working on buying the parts for a Union General's uniform so we can match. So now we'll have to go back to some re-enactments next year. :)

Enjoy the edited posts and look for a new one soon!

1 comment:

  1. I have a feeling I'll end up buying the storage when my time comes too.

    Nextly (I like it too), I can't wait to see you in the dress! So awesome!
